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MkDocs template

A template to build documentation pages using MkDocs, especifically using the Material for MkDocs theme and the PyMdown extensions.

Getting started

Clone this repository by clicking on the top right button, Use this template:

You can decide which organization or account to host the new repository. Don't forget to check the Include all branches button.

The configuration file

The configuration file should appear in the root of your project with the name mkdocs.yml. Here, you can control the structure and customization (with different themes, extensions, assets, etc.) of your page.

I tried adding some of the most useful configurations and comments in the mkdocs.yml, but it is a good idea to visit the (amazing) documentation page of Material for MkDocs.

Adding pages

The pages in MkDocs are written in Markdown and are found in the folder docs. The structure is defined in the mkdocs.yml under the nav key.

Local development

In order to develop and write the documentation page, you only need an OS with Python 3.x. Then, you have to:

  • Create a virtual environment (either with venv or conda). In my case I used Ubuntu 22.04 to setup my environment:
    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
  • Make sure pip is upgraded:
    pip install --upgrade pip
  • Install the dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements_docs.txt
  • Run the MkDocs page:
    mkdocs serve

You will get an output which looks like this:

INFO    -  Building documentation...
INFO    -  Cleaning site directory
INFO    -  [14:07:47] Watching paths for changes: 'docs', 'mkdocs.yml'
INFO    -  [14:07:47] Serving on

Simply click on the local address ( to see the page launched.

Everytime you modify and save your files, the MkDocs page will automatically update with the latest changes.

Github page

Once the MkDocs page is ready, you can push the changes into your main branch.

The pipeline defined in .github/workflows/mkdocs-deploy.yml will deploy the MkDocs page on the Github page of your repository. This is in the branch called gh-page (this is the reason why the button Include all branches should be checked). Everytime someone pushes changes into the main branch, the pipeline will update the MkDocs page.

The Github/MkDocs page have the format: